第一部分: 探索数据(Exploring Data)
(1) 建立与解释图表(Constructingand interpreting graphic displays of distributions of univariate data)
点状图 (Dotplot),茎叶图 (Stemplot),直方图 (Histogram),累计频数图 (Cumulative FrequencyDistribution),盒式图 (Boxplot)
中心与离散 (Center andSpread),聚类与间隙 (Cluster and Gap),极值 (Outlier),形状 (Shape)
(2) 一元数据分布 (Distributions of univariate data)
均值与中位数 (Mean and Median)
极差,四分位距,方差与标准差 (Range,Interquartile Range, Variance and Standard Deviation)
四分位数,百分位数,Z值 (Quartiles, Percentiles, Z-score)
变换单位的影响 (Effect of Changing Units)
(3) 数据分布比较(Comparing distributions of univariate data)
比较中心,离散,聚类,间隙,极值与形状(Comparingcenter, spread, clusters, gaps, outliers and shape)
(4) 二元数据(Bivariate data)
散点图,相关性与线性(Scatterplot, Correlation and Linearity)
最小二乘回归线(Least squares regression line)
残差图,极值和强影响点(Residual plot, outliers, influential points)
线性转换(Transformations to achieve linearity)
(5) 分类数据(Categorical data)
双向表的边际频数和联合频数(Marginaland joint frequencies for two-way tables)
相对条件频数与关联(Conditional relative frequencies and association)
第二部分 抽样和实验设计(Sampling and experimentation)
(6) 数据收集的方法(Methods of data collection)
普查,抽样调查,观察研究(Census, Sample survey, Observational study)
(7) 调查的规划与实施(Planning and conducting surveys)
设计合理且易于实施的调查的特征(Characteristicsof a well-designed and well-conducted survey)
总体,样本,随机选择(Populations, Samples, RandomSelection)
调查中偏误的来源(Sources of bias in sampling and surveys)
随机抽样方法(Sampling methods)
(8) 实验的规划与实施(Planning and conducting experiments)
设计合理且易于实施的实验的特征(Characteristicsof a well-designed and well-conducted experiment)
处理,对照组,实验单位,随机分配,复制(Treatment,control group, experimental units, randomization, replication)
安慰剂效应,盲法 (Placebo effect, Blinding)
完全随机化设计(Completely randomized design)
随机分组设计,包括配对设计(Randomized block design, including matched pairs design)
结果的一般化(Generalizability of results)