Official 22 Task 2

University announces changes in campus tour guide

Traditionally, staff members from the admissions office have led the campus tours for secondary-school students who are considering attending the university. Beginning next semester, however, current students will lead these guided walks around campus instead. "The staff of the admission office no longer have the time to lead campus tour, we need to focus our resources on our other responsibilities,” explaines Christine Tanner, the director of admission. “Furthermore, we feel that current student will offer unique and valuable insight to our visitors during these campus tours". 

Narrator: Now listen to two students discussing the article.
Man: So what do you think of this?
Woman: Well, I think it's a good idea, necessary too.
Man: Why is that?
Woman: Well, you know,
I've actually been up to the admissions office a couple times,
like to pick up some information for a friend, you know,
and every time I've ever been there,
wow, you can tell they're really busy.
Man: Oh, really?
Woman: Yeah.
Those staff members are running around like crazy,
on the phone, doing interviews, dealing with tons of paperwork,
so I can totally believe what they're saying about the time factor.
Seems like having one less thing to worry about will be a good thing.
Man: Sounds like it.
Woman: Yep! Oh, and about the other point.
Man: The a different perspective thing?
Woman: I think people like us would be really good at this.
Unlike, you know,
I remember when I was first shown around the campus,
the guy leading was... well,
he was super nice,
but there were some questions that he couldn't really answer from experience.
Man: Like what?
Woman: Well, practical things: which are the noisier dorms,
or which ones are quietest,
which student cafeteria he'd recommend?
Stuff he didn't have firsthand knowledge about.
I mean, how could he?
Man: I see. Our point of view might be more helpful.

The woman expresses her opinion about the university’s plan. Briefly summarize the plan. Then state her opinion about the plan and explain the reasons she gives for holding that opinion.