Official 28 Task 2

Keep the Music Building Open Later

Currently, the campus music building, which has practice rooms students can reserve for playing instrument, closes nightly at 9 p.m. I think the university should keep the building open until midnight. Often, student musicians want to practice their instruments later at night, and right now there’s no good place for them to do that. Also, lots of students want to use the practice rooms, so it’s often difficult to reserve one. If the building were open more hours, though, it would be easier to accommodate the large number of students who want to reserve rooms.

Narrator: Now listen to two students discussing the letter.
Woman: Jim, did you see this letter in the paper today?
Man: Yeah, I did.
Woman: That would be great for us music students.
Because I mean, what happens is,
students end up practicing in their dorm rooms because they don't have anywhere else they can go.
Man: Yeah, I've done that myself, a bunch of times, playing my violin.
Woman: Me too, and I always feel kind of bad about it.
Because even if you try to keep the volume down,
it's still pretty noisy and other students are nearby in their rooms trying to sleep or study.
Man: That's true.
Woman: And we really could use more time slots,
especially just before the big concerts,
the winter concert and the spring concert,
because everybody from all sections of the orchestra needs to practice then.
Man: I know. I tried to make a reservation to practice before the winter concert, but I couldn't,
because other people in the orchestra had already booked every single time slot.
Woman: Exactly. So this would really help.

The woman expresses her opinion of the proposal. Briefly summarize the proposal, then state her opinion about the proposal, and explain the reasons she gives for holding that opinion.