Narrator: Now listen to two students discussing the letter.
Woman: Hey,'re a runner.
Did you see this letter in the paper?
Man: Yeah, I did... and I use those...
Woman: And?
Man: I think it's a terrible idea.
Woman: How come?
Man: Well, she really hasn't thought it through...
like, the thing about making them safer-
what she's not thinking about is the long-term consequences of running on a hard surface.
Woman: What do you mean?
Man: I mean, it's not good for you...
it's too hard on your bones and joints.
If you run repeatedly on a hard surface,
it can lead to injuries...
or, that's what I've been taught, anyway...
it's better to run on a soft surface.
It does less damage to your body.
Woman: Oh, I wasn't aware of that.
Man: Yeah, so actually it wouldn't be safer. And her second point...
Woman: About changing the way they look?
Man: Yeah, I don't think people will like it.
Woman: So they'd use them less?
Man: Yeah, I mean one of the main reasons people enjoy them now is it's a way of taking a break from the rest of campus...
from buildings and streets and stuff...
it's, you know, a chance to feel like you're out in nature.
Woman: Oh... so you wouldn't get that effect anymore.
Man:'d just be like you were on a regular street or sidewalk.
It wouldn't be as relaxing.