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Official 51 Task 2

University Should Build a Parking Lot for the Humanities Building

I think the university should consider building a parking lot near the humanities building. Right now there's only street parking available, and it isn't enough. Whenever I look for a spot to park in the street near the humanities building, I can't find one. A parking lot for the humanities building would solve that problem. Also, there's a wooded area behind the building that would make an ideal location for the parking lot. The university could just clear away the trees and build a lot - the space is already there for it.

Joe Simmons

Narrator: Now listen to two students discussing the letter.
Man: Hey, Mary. Did you see this? You think he's right?
Woman: No. I don't agree with him.
Man: How come?
Woman: Well, because it's not like the street out front is the only space you can park.
You can also park at the dining hall, which is only a couple blocks away,
or the library, which is a few blocks in the other direction.
He doesn't mention that.
Man: That's true. I guess there are other lots nearby.
Woman: Yeah, so there's not really a need for it.
Students may have to walk a little, but that's OK.
I don't think there always needs to be a spot right outside the building you‘re going to.
Man: That's true.
Woman: But the other problem I have with it is even if they went ahead with his idea,
it's the location he suggests.
They can't just clear away those trees,
that's one of the only wooded areas left on campus.
We don't have many trees here and they should preserve the ones we have.
Man: Yeah, it is pretty.
Woman: Well, yeah,
and sometimes students like to sit out there in the shade on a nice day, to study or read under the trees.
They should leave it alone,
not destroy it to make way for something we don't need.
The woman expresses her opinion about the letter-writer's proposal. Briefly summarize the proposal. Then state her opinion and explain the reasons she gives for holding that opinion.