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Official 53 Task 2

University Announces Energy-Saving Plan

Out of concern for the environment, the university has announced an effort to reduce energy consumption. The energy saving measures will start at the library. One measure involves the library’s inside lighting: new overhead lights that use less power will be installed throughout the building. Another measure has to do with the temperature level in the library. The air-conditioning will be reduced on hot days, meaning that study areas will be kept somewhat warmer when it is hot outside.

Narrator: Now listen to two students discussing the article.
Man: So what do you think of the new policy?
Woman: Well, they've got the right idea.
But I don't think it'll work out as they plan.
Man: Really? Why not?
Woman: I just feel they haven't thought through the consequences.
For example, have you seen the new lights?
They've already been installed in the reference room.
They are just not bright enough.
Man: Oh.
Woman: Yeah. And there are all sorts of individual lamps in the study areas.
Man: The reading lamps?
Woman: Yeah, the reading lamps.
Well, nobody uses them,
nobody turns them on now.
But people are gonna start turning them all on if the overhead lights are dimmer.
So any saving is gonna go away.
Man: Okay.
But what about what they're doing with the air conditioning?
That's surely going to save.
Woman: Save energy?
You bet, but there's a different problem.
Think about what the library is going to be like on hot days.
Man: It's certainly going to be a lot less comfortable.
Woman: Right now, the library is the best place to get studying done.
It's pretty comfortable and it's quiet.
I think now, when it's really hot,
students will just wind up studying back in their dorm rooms.
I know I will.
Man: 'Cause the dorms will still be cooled on hot days, but they are often so noisy.
Woman: Exactly, loud and busy and bad for my concentration.
Man: So, people won't have any really good place to study.
The woman expresses her opinion of the university’s plan. State her opinion and explain the reasons she gives for holding that opinion.