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Official 34 Task 2

Program to Provide Free Tutoring

The university has announced that starting with the fall semester, free tutoring will be available to all new students for their entire first year. The academic dean, James Maxwell, commented, “The university is aware of the academic problems that many first‐year students face when making the transition from high school to college.” The new tutoring program, he said, is designed to assist first‐year students who want or need additional support with their academic course work. The program will also be organized so that individual students can arrange to work with tutors majoring in their own chosen field of study.

Narrator: Now listen to two students discussing the article.
Man: Hey, did you read about this plan?
Woman: Yeah, and I think it's a really great idea.
Man: Why is that?
Woman: Well, a lot of new students really need this.
I mean, it's not just about getting extra help with the course material,
they'll probably also get information about things like taking notes or the best way to study for exams.
Man: Yeah, I barely even knew how to do those things when I first came here.
Woman: Neither did I.
So these are things most students wind up having to learn on their own at first.
That's why so many of them have a hard time.
Man: And it's probably good that they can work with somebody who has the same interests.
Woman: Right. That would be a real advantage.
To get information about the classes you're gonna need to take from somebody who is already taken those classes,
and they could recommend professors and tell you who the best advisers in the department are, things like that.
Man: I see what you mean.
So new students could get access to information about the program from another student's point of view.
Woman: Exactly.

The woman expresses her opinion about the university's plan. Briefly summarize the plan. Then state her opinion about the plan and explain the reasons she gives for holding that opinion.