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Official 55 Passage 1
Question 10 of 10

Directions: An introductory sentence for a brief summary of the passage is provided below. Complete the summary by selecting the THREE answer choices that express the most important ideas in the passage. Some sentences do not belong in the summary because they express ideas that are not presented in the passage or are minor ideas in the passage. This question is worth 2 points

Throughout the European Mesolithic, the trend was toward greater social complexity and greater exploitation of food resources.
Answer Choices:


Early in the Mesolithic, Maglemose hunter-gatherers arrived in Scandinavia from regions beyond the Baltic Sea and began to establish seasonal sites along bays and near lagoons.


By the end of the Mesolithic, Scandinavians had developed elaborate and specialized tools for exploiting a very wide range of food sources.


In Scandinavia, populations were growing and becoming more sedentary, leading to more elaborate burials and to exchanges of goods with other groups.


Climate change forced southern Scandinavians to leave coastal areas and relocate to Central Europe, where they took advantage of food resources in dense forests and lakes.


Because most Mesolithic populations outside of Scandinavia were widely separated by deep forest, they tended to develop more economically and socially complex societies.


The stages of Mesolithic culture in Scandinavia, unlike those in other parts of Europe, are more distinct in part because climate changes were more extreme in Scandinavia.





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Mesolithic Complexity in Scandinavia

斯堪的纳维亚的中石器时代复杂性 取消收藏 收藏句子

The European Mesolithic (roughly the period from 8000 B.C. to 2700 B.C.) testifies to a continuity in human culture from the times of the Ice Age. 欧洲中石器时代(大约从公元前8000年到公元前2700年)证实了自从冰河时代以来人类文化的连续性。 取消收藏 收藏句子 [■] This continuity, however, was based on continuous adjustment to environmental changes following the end of the last glacial period (about 12,500 years ago). 但是,这种连续性是基于对末次冰期(大约12500年前)后期环境变化所进行的连续不断的调整。 取消收藏 收藏句子 [■] Three broad subdivisions within the northern Mesolithic are known in Scandinavia. 在斯堪的纳维亚半岛,中石器时代北部有三个大的分支。 取消收藏 收藏句子 [■] The Maglemose Period (7500–5700 B.C.) was a time of seasonal exploitation of rivers and lakes, combined with terrestrial hunting and foraging. Maglemose时期(公元前7500-5700年),是一个河流和湖泊季节性开发和陆地狩猎与寻觅食物的时期。 取消收藏 收藏句子 [■] The sites from the Kongemose Period (5700–4600 B.C.) are mainly on the Baltic Sea coasts, along bays and near lagoons, where the people exploited both marine and terrestrial resources. Kongemose时期(公元前5700-4600年),主要位于波罗的海沿岸,沿着海湾和靠近泻湖的地方,那时的人们在此开发了海洋和陆地资源。 取消收藏 收藏句子 Many Kongemose sites are somewhat larger than Maglemose ones. 许多Kongemose遗址比Maglemose遗址稍微大一些。 取消收藏 收藏句子 The Ertebølle Period (4600–3200 B.C.) was the culmination of Mesolithic culture in southern Scandinavia. Ertebølle时期(公元前4600-3200)是斯堪的纳维亚半岛南部中石器时代文化的顶峰。 取消收藏 收藏句子 欧洲中石器时代(大约从公元前8000年到公元前2700年)证实了自从冰河时代以来人类文化的连续性。但是,这种连续性是基于对末次冰期(大约12500年前)后期环境变化所进行的连续不断的调整。在斯堪的纳维亚半岛,中石器时代北部有三个大的分支。Maglemose时期(公元前7500-5700年),是一个河流和湖泊季节性开发和陆地狩猎与寻觅食物的时期。Kongemose时期(公元前5700-4600年),主要位于波罗的海沿岸,沿着海湾和靠近泻湖的地方,那时的人们在此开发了海洋和陆地资源。许多Kongemose遗址比Maglemose遗址稍微大一些。Ertebølle时期(公元前4600-3200)是斯堪的纳维亚半岛南部中石器时代文化的顶峰。

By the Ertebølle Period, the Scandinavians were occupying coastal settlements year-round and subsisting off a very wide range of food sources. 在Ertebølle时期,斯堪的纳维亚人常年居住在沿海定居点,依靠各种各样的食物来源维持生计。 取消收藏 收藏句子 These included forest game and waterfowl, shellfish, sea mammals, and both shallow-water and deepwater fish. 其中包含森林猎物和水禽、贝类、海洋哺乳动物,以及浅水和深水鱼类。 取消收藏 收藏句子 There were smaller, seasonal coastal sites, too, for specific activities such as deepwater fishing, sealing, or hunting of migratory birds. 还有一些较小的季节性沿海遗址,用于进行深海捕鱼、海豹猎捕或猎杀候鸟等特定活动。 取消收藏 收藏句子 One such site, the Aggersund site in Denmark, was occupied for short periods of time in the autumn, when the inhabitants collected oysters and hunted some game, especially migratory swans. 丹麦的Aggersund基地就是这样一个地方,在秋天的时候,人们在那居住很短一段时间,收集牡蛎和狩猎,特别是迁徙的天鹅。 取消收藏 收藏句子 Ertebølle technology was far more elaborate than that of its Mesolithic predecessors; a wide variety of antler, bone, and wood tools for specialized purposes such as fowling and sea-mammal hunting were developed, including dugout canoes up to ten meters long. Ertebølle时期的技术远比其中石器时代的前辈们复杂得多。为了特殊目的,如用于捕鸟和猎捕海洋哺乳动物,开发了种类繁多的鹿角、骨头和木头工具,包括长达10米的独木舟。 取消收藏 收藏句子 在Ertebølle时期,斯堪的纳维亚人常年居住在沿海定居点,依靠各种各样的食物来源维持生计。其中包含森林猎物和水禽、贝类、海洋哺乳动物,以及浅水和深水鱼类。还有一些较小的季节性沿海遗址,用于进行深海捕鱼、海豹猎捕或猎杀候鸟等特定活动。丹麦的Aggersund基地就是这样一个地方,在秋天的时候,人们在那居住很短一段时间,收集牡蛎和狩猎,特别是迁徙的天鹅。Ertebølle时期的技术远比其中石器时代的前辈们复杂得多。为了特殊目的,如用于捕鸟和猎捕海洋哺乳动物,开发了种类繁多的鹿角、骨头和木头工具,包括长达10米的独木舟。

With sedentary settlement comes evidence of greater social complexity in the use of cemeteries for burials and changes in burial practices. 随着定居的出现,墓地的使用和埋葬习俗的变化显示出更大的社会复杂性。 取消收藏 收藏句子 The trend toward more sedentary settlement, the cemeteries, and the occasional social differentiation revealed by elaborate burials are all reflections of an intensified use of resources among these relatively affluent hunter-gatherers of 3000 B.C. 这种趋向于定居的趋势、墓地以及精细的埋葬所揭示的偶尔的社会分化,都反映在公元前3000年这些相对富裕的狩猎采集者中有资源的密集使用。 取消收藏 收藏句子 Mesolithic societies intensified the food quest by exploiting many more marine species, making productive use of migratory waterfowl and their breeding grounds, and collecting shellfish in enormous numbers. 中石器时代的社会通过开发更多的海洋物种、有效利用迁徙水禽及其繁殖地以及大量采集贝类,强化了对食物的追求。 取消收藏 收藏句子 This intensification is also reflected in a much more elaborate and diverse technology, more exchange of goods and materials between neighbors, greater variety in settlement types, and a slowly rising population throughout southern Scandinavia. 这种强化也反映在更加复杂和多样化的技术,邻居之间更多的物物交换,更多样化的住区类型,以及整个斯堪的纳维亚南部缓慢增长的人口。 取消收藏 收藏句子 These phenomena may, in part, be a reflection of rising sea levels throughout the Mesolithic that flooded many cherished territories. 这些现象可能在一定程度上反映了中石器时代上升的海平面,淹没了许多珍贵的领土。 取消收藏 收藏句子 There are signs, too, of regional variations in artifact forms and styles, indicative of cultural differences between people living in well-delineated territories and competing for resources. 工艺品的形式和风格上的地域差异表明生活在精心划定的领土上的人们之间的文化差异和对资源的争夺。 取消收藏 收藏句子 随着定居的出现,墓地的使用和埋葬习俗的变化显示出更大的社会复杂性。这种趋向于定居的趋势、墓地以及精细的埋葬所揭示的偶尔的社会分化,都反映在公元前3000年这些相对富裕的狩猎采集者中有资源的密集使用。中石器时代的社会通过开发更多的海洋物种、有效利用迁徙水禽及其繁殖地以及大量采集贝类,强化了对食物的追求。这种强化也反映在更加复杂和多样化的技术,邻居之间更多的物物交换,更多样化的住区类型,以及整个斯堪的纳维亚南部缓慢增长的人口。这些现象可能在一定程度上反映了中石器时代上升的海平面,淹没了许多珍贵的领土。工艺品的形式和风格上的地域差异表明生活在精心划定的领土上的人们之间的文化差异和对资源的争夺。

Mesolithic cultures are much less well-defined elsewhere in Europe, partly because the climatic changes were less extreme than in southern Scandinavia and because there were fewer opportunities for coastal adaptation. 在欧洲其他地方,中石器时代文化的定义并没有那么明确,部分原因是气候变化没有斯堪的纳维亚半岛南部那么极端,也因为适应海岸的机会更少。 取消收藏 收藏句子 In much of central Europe, settlement was confined to lakeside and riverside locations, widely separated from one another by dense forests. 在中欧大部分地区,人们居住的地方都局限在湖边和河边,彼此之间被茂密的森林隔开。 取消收藏 收藏句子 Many Mesolithic lakeside sites were located in transitional zones between different environments so that the inhabitants could return to a central base location, where for much of the year they lived close to predictable resources such as lake fish. 很多中石器时代的湖滨遗址位于不同环境之间的过渡地带,这样居民就可以回到中心基地,在那里他们大部分时间都生活在可预测的资源附近,如湖鱼。 取消收藏 收藏句子 However, they would exploit both forest game and other seasonal resources from satellite camps. 然而,他们会利用森林猎物和卫星营地的其他季节性资源。 取消收藏 收藏句子 For example, the archaeologist Michael Jochim believes that some groups lived during most of the year in camps along the Danube River in central Europe, moving to summer encampments on the shores of neighboring lakes. 如考古学家迈克尔·乔希姆(Michael Jochim)认为,一些群体在中欧多瑙河沿岸的营地中度过了一年中的大部分时间,然后迁移到邻近湖泊岸边的夏季营地。 取消收藏 收藏句子 In areas like Spain, there appears to have been intensified exploitation of marine and forest resources. 在像西班牙这样的地区,人们对海洋和森林资源的开发有所加强。 取消收藏 收藏句子 There was a trend nearly everywhere toward greater variety in the diet, with more attention being paid to less obvious foods and to those that require more complex processing methods than do game and other such resources. 几乎所有地方都出现了饮食多样化的趋势,人们更多地关注那些不太明显的食物,以及那些需要比猎物和其他资源更复杂加工方法的食物。 取消收藏 收藏句子 在欧洲其他地方,中石器时代文化的定义并没有那么明确,部分原因是气候变化没有斯堪的纳维亚半岛南部那么极端,也因为适应海岸的机会更少。在中欧大部分地区,人们居住的地方都局限在湖边和河边,彼此之间被茂密的森林隔开。很多中石器时代的湖滨遗址位于不同环境之间的过渡地带,这样居民就可以回到中心基地,在那里他们大部分时间都生活在可预测的资源附近,如湖鱼。然而,他们会利用森林猎物和卫星营地的其他季节性资源。如考古学家迈克尔·乔希姆(Michael Jochim)认为,一些群体在中欧多瑙河沿岸的营地中度过了一年中的大部分时间,然后迁移到邻近湖泊岸边的夏季营地。在像西班牙这样的地区,人们对海洋和森林资源的开发有所加强。几乎所有地方都出现了饮食多样化的趋势,人们更多地关注那些不太明显的食物,以及那些需要比猎物和其他资源更复杂加工方法的食物。

Thus, in parts of Europe, there was a long-term trend among hunter-gatherer societies toward a more extensive exploitation of food resources, often within the context of a strategy that sought ways to minimize the impact of environmental uncertainty. 从而,在欧洲部分地区,狩猎采集社会中存在着一种长期的趋势,在设法减少环境不确定性影响的战略背景下,更广泛地利用食物资源。 取消收藏 收藏句子 In more favored southern Scandinavia, such societies achieved a new level of social complexity that was to become commonplace among later farming peoples, and this preadaptation proved an important catalyst for rapid economic and social change when farming did come to Europe. 在更受欢迎的斯堪的纳维亚半岛南部,这样的社会达到了一个全新的社会复杂性水平,这在后来的农耕民族中变得普遍,而当农耕真的来到欧洲时,这种预先适应被证实了是一个重要的催化剂,它促进了经济和社会的快速变革。 取消收藏 收藏句子 从而,在欧洲部分地区,狩猎采集社会中存在着一种长期的趋势,在设法减少环境不确定性影响的战略背景下,更广泛地利用食物资源。在更受欢迎的斯堪的纳维亚半岛南部,这样的社会达到了一个全新的社会复杂性水平,这在后来的农耕民族中变得普遍,而当农耕真的来到欧洲时,这种预先适应被证实了是一个重要的催化剂,它促进了经济和社会的快速变革。
