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Official 56 Passage 1
Question 10 of 10

Directions: An introductory sentence for a brief summary of the passage is provided below. Complete the summary by selecting the THREE answer choices that express the most important ideas in the passage. Some sentences do not belong in the summary because they express ideas that are not presented in the passage or are minor ideas in the passage. This question is worth 2 points.

Alfred Wegener proposed the theory of continental drift to explain how continents and mountain ranges came into existence.
Answer Choices:


Wegener revised his explanation of the process of continental drift from one based on planetary rotation and tides to one that involved convection.


Wegener's major contribution to our current understanding of how Earth evolved its continental form was his development of the concept of Polfluchtkraft.


Among geologists of the time, the work of Arthur Holmes was considered revolutionary but inconsistent with the theory of continental drift as explained by Wegener.


The importance of Wegener's theory was its ability to explain both Earth's evolution and a wide range of seemingly odd geographical and biological phenomena.


Plant fossils discovered on a British expedition to the South Pole indicated that on the whole, Earth's temperature varied over time from hotter than it is today to colder than it is.


Evidence of inconsistencies in continental climates observed to have occurred over time or within a particular time makes sense if continents drifted away from the poles.





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Alfred Wegener’s Theory of Continental Drift

阿尔弗雷德·魏格纳的大陆漂移理论 取消收藏 收藏句子

In 1912, the German geologist Alfred Wegener proposed that Earth’s continents are mobile rafts of lighter crust that have shifted over time by plowing their way through the denser crust of the oceans.[■] 1912年,德国地质学家阿尔弗雷德·魏格纳提出,地球上的大陆是由较轻的地壳组成的移动筏,随着时间的推移,它们穿过密度较大的海洋地壳。 取消收藏 收藏句子 The theory, called continental drift, was partly motivated by the apparent fit, like puzzle pieces, of the coastlines of South America and Africa. 该理论被称为大陆漂移理论的部分原因是南美和非洲海岸线的明显吻合,就如拼图碎片一样。 取消收藏 收藏句子 [■]Wegener first presented his theory of continental drift at a meeting and in a paper, and then as a book, The Origin of Continents and Oceans, published in 1915.[■] 韦格纳首先在一次会议上和一篇论文中提出了他的大陆漂移理论,而后在1915年出版了《大陆和海洋的起源》一书。 取消收藏 收藏句子 He continued to write updated versions of this work until his death in an ill-fated expedition to Greenland in 1930. 他继续更新这部作品的版本,直到1930年在去格陵兰的探险中不幸去世。 取消收藏 收藏句子 [■]Wegener maintained that Earth is composed of concentric shells of increasing density from crust to core. 韦格纳坚持认为,地球是由同心壳组成的,从地壳到地核,密度不断增加。 取消收藏 收藏句子 The outermost shell is not continuous but made of continental blocks of lighter rock called sial (an acronym for silica- and aluminum-rich rock) floating in the denser sima (silica- and magnesia-rich rock) underlying the oceans. 最外层的外壳不是连续的,而是由漂浮在海下较厚的sima(富硅和富镁岩石)中的较轻岩石的大陆块sial(富硅和富铝岩石的首字母缩写)组成。 取消收藏 收藏句子 All the continents had been joined in the supercontinent of Pangaea. 所有的大陆构成了Pangaea超大陆。 取消收藏 收藏句子 As the continent broke up, the pieces moving apart left bits behind, explaining the presence of nonvolcanic islands and island chains, according to Wegener. 韦格纳认为,随着大陆的分裂,碎片的移动留下了一些碎片,这就解释了非火山岛和岛链的存在。 取消收藏 收藏句子 Where the moving pieces collided, mountains formed. 移动的碎片碰撞的地方就形成了山脉。 取消收藏 收藏句子 They were thrust up either by the plowing of the continents through the sima, as in the case of the Andes, or by the colliding of two blocks of sial, as in the case of the Himalayas. 它们要么是由于硅镁层向上推动形成,如安第斯山脉,要么是由于两块硅石的碰撞形成,如喜马拉雅山脉。 取消收藏 收藏句子 As for the force driving continental drift, Wegener initially invoked Polfluchtkraft—a force causing flight from the poles as a result of Earth’s rotation—and later the tidal force resulting from the gravitational attraction between Earth and the Moon and Sun. 关于驱动大陆漂移的力,韦格纳最初认为是Polfluchtkraft(一种由于地球自转而导致从两极像别处扩散的力),后来又认为是地球与月球和太阳之间引力产生的潮汐力。 取消收藏 收藏句子 1912年,德国地质学家阿尔弗雷德·魏格纳提出,地球上的大陆是由较轻的地壳组成的移动筏,随着时间的推移,它们穿过密度较大的海洋地壳。该理论被称为大陆漂移理论的部分原因是南美和非洲海岸线的明显吻合,就如拼图碎片一样。韦格纳首先在一次会议上和一篇论文中提出了他的大陆漂移理论,而后在1915年出版了《大陆和海洋的起源》一书。他继续更新这部作品的版本,直到1930年在去格陵兰的探险中不幸去世。韦格纳坚持认为,地球是由同心壳组成的,从地壳到地核,密度不断增加。最外层的外壳不是连续的,而是由漂浮在海下较厚的sima(富硅和富镁岩石)中的较轻岩石的大陆块sial(富硅和富铝岩石的首字母缩写)组成。所有的大陆构成了Pangaea超大陆。韦格纳认为,随着大陆的分裂,碎片的移动留下了一些碎片,这就解释了非火山岛和岛链的存在。移动的碎片碰撞的地方就形成了山脉。它们要么是由于硅镁层向上推动形成,如安第斯山脉,要么是由于两块硅石的碰撞形成,如喜马拉雅山脉。关于驱动大陆漂移的力,韦格纳最初认为是Polfluchtkraft(一种由于地球自转而导致从两极像别处扩散的力),后来又认为是地球与月球和太阳之间引力产生的潮汐力。

One of the most influential geologists to join the mobilist camp, as the drifters school became known, was Arthur Holmes. 在大陆漂移学说大家庭中,最有影响力的地质学家之一是亚瑟·霍尔姆斯。 取消收藏 收藏句子 Holmes recognized the importance of radioactive heat—which had recently been discovered—and realized that there must be a mechanism to remove it from Earth’s interior. 霍尔姆斯认识到最近才发现的放射性热的重要性,并意识到一定有某种机制可以将它从地球内部消除。 取消收藏 收藏句子 That mechanism, he argued, is convection—the rising of less dense material and the sinking of more dense material. 他认为这种机制就是对流——即密度较小的物质上升,密度较大的物质下沉。 取消收藏 收藏句子 He went on to propose that the mantle (the part of Earth’s interior below the outer crust and above the core) convects in large, circulating patterns, and that this motion carries the continents across Earth’s surface. 他紧接着提出地幔(在地球外壳与地核之间的内部部分)以大循环的方式对流,这种运动让各大洲在地球表面漂移。 取消收藏 收藏句子 He also related crustal movement and mantle convection to the evolution of mountain belts. 他还将地壳运动和地幔对流与山带的演化联系在一起。 取消收藏 收藏句子 Wegener adopted Holmes’s mechanism in the last rendition of his theory. 韦格纳在他的理论的最终诠释中采用了霍尔姆斯的机制。 取消收藏 收藏句子 Holmes, for his part, presented his grand concept of a dynamic Earth in his influential and popular text Principles of Physical Geology, published in 1944. 霍尔姆斯在1944年出版了颇具影响力且广受欢迎的著作《自然地质学原理》,在该书中提出了他关于动态地球的宏大概念。 取消收藏 收藏句子 在大陆漂移学说大家庭中,最有影响力的地质学家之一是亚瑟·霍尔姆斯。霍尔姆斯认识到最近才发现的放射性热的重要性,并意识到一定有某种机制可以将它从地球内部消除。他认为这种机制就是对流——即密度较小的物质上升,密度较大的物质下沉。他紧接着提出地幔(在地球外壳与地核之间的内部部分)以大循环的方式对流,这种运动让各大洲在地球表面漂移。他还将地壳运动和地幔对流与山带的演化联系在一起。韦格纳在他的理论的最终诠释中采用了霍尔姆斯的机制。霍尔姆斯在1944年出版了颇具影响力且广受欢迎的著作《自然地质学原理》,在该书中提出了他关于动态地球的宏大概念。

Although it was eventually supplanted by the theory of plate tectonics, Wegener’s theory of continental drift influenced science because it explained disparate observations, because it was placed in the context of existing theories, and because it offered a coherent view of Earth’s evolution. 尽管韦格纳的大陆漂移理论最终被板块构造理论所取代,但它对科学产生了影响,因为它解释了不同的观测结果,它被置于现有理论的背景中,同时也提供了对地球演化的连贯观点。 取消收藏 收藏句子 For example, Wegener showed not only that the coastlines on opposite sides of the Atlantic fit together, but that geologic features on the different continents fit as well. 例如,韦格纳不仅证明了大西洋两岸的海岸线是吻合的,而且不同大陆的地质特征也是吻合的。 取消收藏 收藏句子 He asserted that the Appalachians, which can be traced northward through the Canadian Maritime Provinces, match the Caledonian Mountains in Scotland and Norway. 他断言,阿巴拉契亚山脉可以通过加拿大海事省向北延伸,与苏格兰和挪威的加里东山脉相匹配。 取消收藏 收藏句子 He marshaled evidence from the distributions of fossil and living species to argue that land bridges joining continents were less likely than a single continent. 他收集了化石和生物物种分布的证据,认为与大陆相连的大陆桥不太可能是一个单一的大陆。 取消收藏 收藏句子 The example commonly cited is that of Mesosaurus, a shoreline scavenger reptile that lived in the Permian period and is found as fossils in rocks on both sides of the South Atlantic Ocean. 经常被引用的例子是Mesosaurus,一种生活在二叠纪的海岸线食腐爬行动物,在南大西洋两岸的岩石中都发现它的化石。 取消收藏 收藏句子 Mesosaurus was thought not to be a great swimmer, certainly not able to cross an ocean. 人们认为Mesosaurus不擅长游泳,当然也就不能横渡海洋。 取消收藏 收藏句子 尽管韦格纳的大陆漂移理论最终被板块构造理论所取代,但它对科学产生了影响,因为它解释了不同的观测结果,它被置于现有理论的背景中,同时也提供了对地球演化的连贯观点。例如,韦格纳不仅证明了大西洋两岸的海岸线是吻合的,而且不同大陆的地质特征也是吻合的。他断言,阿巴拉契亚山脉可以通过加拿大海事省向北延伸,与苏格兰和挪威的加里东山脉相匹配。他收集了化石和生物物种分布的证据,认为与大陆相连的大陆桥不太可能是一个单一的大陆。经常被引用的例子是Mesosaurus,一种生活在二叠纪的海岸线食腐爬行动物,在南大西洋两岸的岩石中都发现它的化石。人们认为Mesosaurus不擅长游泳,当然也就不能横渡海洋。

Wegener also found supporting evidence in ancient climates. 韦格纳还在古代气候中发现了支撑证据。 取消收藏 收藏句子 Mounting observations indicated that the past climate of many regions was much different from the present climate. 越来越多的观测表明,许多地区过去的气候与现在的气候有很大差异。 取消收藏 收藏句子 In the tropics, geologists had found sand and gravel left by ancient glaciers, and in rainy regions they had located prehistoric deserts. 在热带地区,地质学家发现了古代冰川留下的沙子和砾石,而在多雨地区,他们发现了史前沙漠。 取消收藏 收藏句子 Then there was the discovery, by a British expedition, of plant fossils only 600 kilometers (370 miles) from the South Pole. 然后,一个英国探险队在距南极仅600公里(370英里)的地方发现了植物化石。 取消收藏 收藏句子 Particularly puzzling was evidence suggesting that widely different climates in different regions had occurred at the same time, so one could not account for different climates by claiming simply that the whole of Earth was once hotter or once cooler than now. 特别令人困惑的是,有证据表明,同一时间不同地区的气候相差甚远,所以不能简单地说,整个地球曾经比现在更热,或曾经比现在更冷来解释不同的气候。 取消收藏 收藏句子 Wegener solved this dilemma by showing that observations of paleoclimate could be explained if the positions of the continents had shifted relative to those of the poles. 韦格纳解决了这个难题,他指出,如果大陆的位置相对于两极的位置发生了移动,那么古气候的观测结果就可以得到解释。 取消收藏 收藏句子 韦格纳还在古代气候中发现了支撑证据。越来越多的观测表明,许多地区过去的气候与现在的气候有很大差异。在热带地区,地质学家发现了古代冰川留下的沙子和砾石,而在多雨地区,他们发现了史前沙漠。然后,一个英国探险队在距南极仅600公里(370英里)的地方发现了植物化石。特别令人困惑的是,有证据表明,同一时间不同地区的气候相差甚远,所以不能简单地说,整个地球曾经比现在更热,或曾经比现在更冷来解释不同的气候。韦格纳解决了这个难题,他指出,如果大陆的位置相对于两极的位置发生了移动,那么古气候的观测结果就可以得到解释。
